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When sensosphere, as a "4th" dimensional phenomenology, is included in our language games, what happen is wich sensosphere appears, to our perception, as a "total" inclusional set, just including all the sensations you may have in a present moment.
Patriarchy and Matristic can be seen as two complementary ways to interact within sensosphere.
What distinguish both is precisely! the consideration of sensosphere.
It is logic that if you reach to a cultural point where abstractions are increasing and increasing, and when the global concepts, or guides, to your life, have been puting in a second, or third plane, of priorities, your visions about life, reality, or society will brutaly change.
Only read something about the critics to Gaia Theory.
That critic have been made by ugly scientists. Ugly scientists that have not at all note which GAIA IS NOT A THEORY.
No place better for seeing the relation in actual science and their "oncle" religion. They were walking along history together, science and religion, sharing a very rich set of semantic, semiotic, and phenomenological aspects.
For that reason, Gaia what is saying us actualy is that scientist were so fixed to abstraction, so fixed to theories, that when a "mTheory" (Gaia) appears in scientist circles, previously scientist would need a conversion, a re conversion, to a vision of reality, that include the systemic unity, or communion in action, that, as so many sciences have demonstrated, were being culminating in last times with Planetary Sciences, giving us global tools to understand.
The cuting in the scale, from ecosystem to the big Gaia ecosystem, which suffer ecologists, for example, means that they cannot reach with their perception to understand global science, and planetary science, just because they don't understand, and are not aware, of the world of perceptions.
That european religion dislikes sensation, dislike the body, dislike sex, dislike life?
And as sensation is the sensational and phenomenological bridge, toward ecosystem, what we are discovering here is that ecologists didn't understand ecosystems neither.
As a fractal perception, ecosystems are scalated, for example, from that room toward Planet, or universe, or multiverse.
Being excluded, massively, sensations, from the study of science (remember the brain idolatry), is like when telephon wires were cut by a storm. You becoming uncommunicated!
In linguistics, semiotics, also called semiotic studies or semiology, is the study of sign processes (semiosis), or signification and communication, ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiotics - En caché - Similares
This is a popular hypertext guide to semiotics by Daniel Chandler at Aberystwyth University. www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/.../semiotic.html - En caché - Similares
femiotics, marginal discourses and gaseous abstractions" (31) sets up a false dichotomy between radical and academic feminisms (as she defines ... www.jstor.org/stable/3174789
Humphrey McQueen - 1998 - History - 261 páginas Although she no longer had tune to campaign for equal pay, she had learned to enjoy femiotic analyses of rock video clips. Professor Allen took this ... books.google.es/books?isbn=1862544662...
Formato de archivo: Microsoft Word Laura Adamo “The Sign of the Twin in Women's Contemporary Fiction and Drama: Feminist Poetics and Femiotic Praxes.” Ph.D. thesis (in progress) ... pi.library.yorku.ca/dspace-jspui/bitstream/10315/4514/.../B.GodardCV.doc
(later we are putings the pieces of text in her places: now only I translate my "walking works", from the servilletas de un bar)
1. fenomenosfera: that is Sensosphere, as the dynamic escenario where that unknown Gaia, theory? acts for you and for herself And Noosphere re phenosphere, biosphere, Gaya, akashik records, book of life, book of desires, holy Jung grail, matristics, paradise...
2. imaginate una peli (la vamos a hacer), donde el 88% de cuota de pantalla la ocupara el productor!!! Osea, que las cuotas de pantalla, se deberían re galar en pro porción a la biomasa y su productividad, en los ecosistemas, a la diversidad, y a la eficiencia (equivalente a la sostenibilidad)
3. bioSemiotics: Semiotics in A Blog. Try to calculate Actual representationist politics costs in banalidades: Only to make practise the gay guys to fight in Army. How much dollars? What in a community, historicaly, only need a consensual YES, in a sclerotic, by superavit! of re presentationism! (muerte de exito!) Lo que no se podría decir es que la experiencia de estos años no haya servido. Abre los ojos. a la femiotica. Viva el feismo.
4. Need so such massive and hyper superfluous ritual, where your moni is abusively evaporated in the worst crisis in one hundreds years. Worst crisis and global crisis need the point to focalization phenomenologicaly, to all demostrated sclerosis multiple within system,, sin miramiento!
5. Just each decision counts, and for that those more eficient decisions, symplectic ones, symplectics in action!, would be, objectively supported by more people. Internet only (inter only): A Femiotic planetary experiment!
6. The easiest step by its planetary and transdisciplinar hyperconnectivity, is to share a real (femiotic) debate on Classrooms!! Families are whitness in education centers. We almost all have living a part of our lives in educenters. This only physical structural change looks as, objectively logic...
7. A Global revolution, and trying, as children to manage their shared desires. Internet only. Inter - Only. And splendidely phenomenal meanwhile, abducted (1.0) teachers in a planetary dream about that so basic, and cruxial! question. Biosemioticians and Phenomenologists playing a rol game smelling to...
8. Plis focus your attention on that direct question. That's only a """brain"""" sweet rain. A "Brain - Sweet - Raining". Please, concreting: What femioticians feel them about PhysiClassroom?
9. Tittle: A Noosphere Experiment. Phenomenoospheric: "A Brain - Sweet - Raining" I propose to following quietly, discusing in (NOT IN PAPERS, nor in "real life") INTERNET, about PHYSICLASSROOM, PhysiClassroom. Internet only: INTER - ONLY (Is a game!!!)
10. "A BRAIN - SWEET - RAINING" on PhysiClassRoom
"INTER - ONLY" (a sweet and open key word, phoneticaly sounds well) (= INTERNET - ONLY)
This blog is recycled from a blog in the guay gueby gueb.
If one thing characterizes guay gueby gueb, a network of transconnected wikis, gemails and blogs, is her liquid oued factor.
Liquid oued (as liquid web, but jumping spanish and descending to the mother of river, "río" en spanish, "OUED" in arabic) is a over free territory for semiotics, and for phenomenology.
If you think in many other systems, complex systems with whose you are in a permanent vital consorcius, or cooperation, and look at their diversity, semiotic diversity, diversity of languages, in a very wide sense, you will discover which the aparent disorder in simbiodiversidad blog, and in the guay gueby gueb, is a product of the proyection of all your experience in "educated" blogs, and many other territories, You will be aware of the enormous diversity of implicit, and explicit! norms, we are obedient, within language territories.
It would be like to ask: Why google haven't already ordered all the information they have in their total records?
In Global Science, a United Nations of Knowledge all languages are permited, just as you cannot say not to the enormous diference in ways of life of all the cultures represented in United Nations!
Languages, for example words, have the enormous advantage of being etereal. The possible damn you would received from words, in a text, or in a conversation, depends on the way you put words, as a class of the diversity enormous language overall territories, in your value scale.
Actions very diferent we see every day in our surrorundings, and in internet. Sensosphere are toomuch charged of actions and experiences. That your senses have the magics of taking for you automaticaly.
From all the formidable tsunami of information you receive and converse with, in one day, is within that enormous tsunami cloud of billions and billions bits, and all the global symplectic interpretation that automaticaly your senses are making for you, here is where you must see the relevance of certain sounds, in this case, for example, emited by a human being, in a certain conditions.
Maybe words merged also as a sage way to connect, sympatheticaly both, you and me, in a way that permit many ways within, many languages games, looking for our matristic impulse to communication and etimologicaly, to make communion. Make love and not war.
palece opoltuno ke este palto, o repalto, no ha sido tan dolo rrozo, palece me,
pues palece ke eze menzaje tan clalito del titulo, del blog, tanto en su ull como en el título "post-url" o título titular del blog,
pues esa idea doble y complementaria,
çha sido cazada en esta nueva propuesta tras el blgolpe de estado, estoes, de título, lo ke emos echo es cambiar el nom,bre del territorio,
y con el infimon en la talega, cual bota de montes
nos vamos a cazar al territorio neurosemantiko de la polis y de la politica participativa,
paltisipatiba, sí, con especial caliño pa mis amiguis chines, pues, no solo sois muchos y muchas, por todo este mundo sembladitos/as,
sino que vuestro embrion cultural,
tan desconocido y extraño para algunas minorías culturales de este mundo,
como podríamos a llamar objetivamente a occidente,
en su esqueleto, que no corazon patriarcal,
que es cuando puesto encima de la mesa, ya entramigos/as,
o enamigoas/
pues lo que une al enemigo y al amigo
variable cualisemitativa, fuzzy,
aplicable a tooooooooooooooo do el lenguaje...
que lamamos zymbiones, por ejemplo,
son simbiosis, fáciles, con un poko de aprehendizaje desde el mkptmk, síh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kel jinko plóchimo eh mizantoh! (misantokumpleh! kise decil!)
Hoy e bisto, tú, tululuh!
a china reluciendo en los mapillas de las estadisitcas de este suyo blog
y a toda siberia...
a sio mu curioso
es un palpital mu lindo tuh!
cachitos de gaya,
del corazon de gaya,
desde la piel de gaya epidelmis de gaya,
usa y espein andaban apagadillas, con colres mas tenues,
ojos que no ven pero que sienten,
cuando ven esas lucecitas emergiendo
como antenas interactuantes
sintiente globalidad gayátikah! tuh! tululúh!
cambio es igual a interaccion,
pues un sistema transfinito, como es evidente mente, la sensosfela,
vaya encuentro, hup!...
de lo que evidentemente se nutre, asimisma y así, misma,
es de sensaciones,
una sensacion es (in) definida por un m-inimo de ¿dos cuantos? o dos qualia? o dos partículas, o dos memes,...o dos lo que sean,
la sensacion es la mater(iah!) plimah! tuh!
la plima matel,
de jung y de jose antoinio el ambientologo junguiano,
la plima matel es la gaya theoly,
which didn't reach a minmal consensus among normalized science,
but now are entring, arrrrrrrrrrraudalessssssssssssssssssss,
desde una disciplina, fíjense ustedes,
cuya pretensión,
era tan amorosa
como zamparse, como una abuela que de plonto se hiciera nieta, o algo así,
cambio es una valiable infimoonika in definible by the succesion of sistoles and diastoles, qué diantresh!
zamparse la semiotica a la biología, dilian algunos,
mas bien es una gacocitosis inteligente, (este error, p.ej., se ha refagocitado en un mimi llamadoooooooooo oh!
llamado, mamado y amado como: ) como: cagocitosis, es sactamente lo que hace la vida desde que se matentó, semetió en tó... escudriñando en estos ultimos años, más y mas rincones, lo patentado como antroposfera,
de todo el cuerpazo de gaya, la señorona y tan putonah! tuh! que sonpa lablasde namenos ke malgulynn! eh!
tan reproductola, podliamos decil,
de todo eso lo escudriñado physicamente por el jomble estos años ha sido una chuminá campestre.
Pol kontla,
lo que plesume de sabel la siensia occidental minórika, como acabemos de decis,
es una triquiñuela basada en una tecnica de magia,
magia simpatika,
muy sencilla,
pelo ke admite, como todo buen tluko,
un tiempo de desfase,
mas o menos amplio,
entle que se echa a andal el montaje,
y cuando se descuble, bien descuvielto,
de folmah
kel timo
desaparece de nuesla vista,
dulante unos cuantos ciclos de memoria,
de sistema
se podlia decil
que una formula secleta,,
con sus ramajes.....
cualquier sistema de pensamiento
que sea m´ças eficaz que eficiente,,,
es de sentido comun,,,
cualquier sistema aprende
noh? tululuh!
cualquier sistema minimamente ciomplejo aplende,
sea un conjunt artificial humano llamado aprender a ller escribir a la occidental,
sea un conjunto tambien artificial y parcialmente deshumanizado, llamado humanidad sin los piraha hiaitiihi,
sea un conjunto de memes que forman una frase,
sea esta frase,
aprender a sumar uno más uno es igual a dos,
y sea la subfrase segunda de aquella frase:
aprender a contar, ese cuanto que llaman, llamaban, del uno al diez,
osea recapitulando,
lo que la mente piraha nosabeno contesta,
es exarta mente que,
no son capaces de aprender a contar del uno al diez, ni siquiera sumar del uno al dos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
¿Tendran el sistema binalio, entonces,
no el infimoniko,
nuestro buestro (por ezoh! o creyeron acaso que yo me podia embolsar los derechos sagrados de los piraha aese saber milenario que esta dentro de tui, y de mí, y k mkptmk (juegos de niñas que es lo que es el chamanismo, y de niños), decir chamanismo con respeto a todas los sistemas de conocimiento, porsupu...