miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010


Femiotics: Fenomenological Semiotics-and-Semiotic Phenomenology.

fenomenología y semiotica de tú a tú. as sixters in any revolution where the objective always is collective.

So collective as inclusional.
So inclusional as to be aware of the sensual conversation your senses are having with allllll your surroundings.

Dis is also anoder cup detat,

pos is of such a dimension,

the increase in dimensionality

that sensosphera, lare pera,

puts at your service,

is like a sac you were porting with you all of your life,

but when the age, and education, as a rol play, anyway,

you were losing in some place that sac, of intuitive knowledge,

in that moment,

you are,

holographicaly, also,

all the body of social and cultural western works and thinking, in all the planet,

you can imagine, sensing your actual connection with ecobrain,

that you are actualy connected, with surroundings,


thus you imagine the earth, as a familiar, or emparented, with her sixter the moon.

the fact (as always dynamic process and open) is
that you many times see the moon,

yu know,

you now

yu know

you now,

is you knowing at present,

that instan yu aware of that yu are aware that this instant is passing dancing, within and with ju, thanks y thankitas, pelmisitoh!

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