miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Femiotic proposal

(later we are putings the pieces of text in her places: now only I translate my "walking works", from the servilletas de un bar)

1. fenomenosfera: that is Sensosphere, as the dynamic escenario where that unknown Gaia, theory? acts for you and for herself
And Noosphere re phenosphere, biosphere, Gaya, akashik records, book of life, book of desires, holy Jung grail, matristics, paradise...

2. imaginate una peli (la vamos a hacer), donde el 88% de cuota de pantalla la ocupara el productor!!!
Osea, que las cuotas de pantalla, se deberían re galar en pro porción a la biomasa y su productividad, en los ecosistemas, a la diversidad, y a la eficiencia (equivalente a la sostenibilidad)

3. bioSemiotics: Semiotics in A Blog. Try to calculate Actual representationist politics costs in banalidades: Only to make practise the gay guys to fight in Army. How much dollars? What in a community, historicaly, only need a consensual YES, in a sclerotic, by superavit! of re presentationism! (muerte de exito!) Lo que no se podría decir es que la experiencia de estos años no haya servido. Abre los ojos. a la femiotica. Viva el feismo.

4. Need so such massive and hyper superfluous ritual, where your moni is abusively evaporated in the worst crisis in one hundreds years.
Worst crisis and global crisis need the point to focalization phenomenologicaly, to all demostrated sclerosis multiple within system,, sin miramiento!

5. Just each decision counts, and for that those more eficient decisions, symplectic ones, symplectics in action!, would be, objectively supported by more people.
Internet only (inter only): A Femiotic planetary experiment!

6. The easiest step by its planetary and transdisciplinar hyperconnectivity, is to share a real (femiotic) debate on Classrooms!!
Families are whitness in education centers. We almost all have living a part of our lives in educenters. This only physical structural change looks as, objectively logic...

7. A Global revolution, and trying, as children to manage their shared desires. Internet only. Inter - Only.
And splendidely phenomenal meanwhile, abducted (1.0) teachers in a planetary dream about that so basic, and cruxial! question. Biosemioticians and Phenomenologists playing a rol game smelling to...

8. Plis focus your attention on that direct question. That's only a """brain"""" sweet rain. A "Brain - Sweet - Raining".
Please, concreting: What femioticians feel them about PhysiClassroom?

9. Tittle: A Noosphere Experiment. Phenomenoospheric: "A Brain - Sweet - Raining"
I propose to following quietly, discusing in (NOT IN PAPERS, nor in "real life") INTERNET, about PHYSICLASSROOM, PhysiClassroom. Internet only: INTER - ONLY (Is a game!!!)

on PhysiClassRoom

"INTER - ONLY" (a sweet and open key word, phoneticaly sounds well)

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